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Break Free of Bad Habits

“I wish I could quit smoking for good.”

“I’m embarrassed to even admit I pull out my hair, but I don’t know how to stop.”

“I need to be able to resist the urge to reach for chocolate whenever I’m stressed.”


The strength to change is within you… but sometimes you need help finding and actualizing it. The internal conflict of deeply wanting to break the habit but at the same time feeling the need to continue is often too strong to overcome alone.


That’s why I’m here.


In a short-term, results-based process, my role is to guide you in harnessing your innate ability to alter your habits. You do have it within you.


As we work together, you’ll be able to rid yourself of negative or embarrassing behaviors, and feel confident that how you act and present yourself externally is an accurate reflection of who you are internally and what you truly want.


I had very low self-confidence and awful coping mechanisms as a result of severe childhood trauma. Naomi helped me see my own potential to be who I wanted to be and depart from my old patterns of behavior. I always ended our weekly sessions GLOWING. Now all I need is a "tune-up" every few months, to remind me of what I AM NOW. Thank you for improving my and my family’s lives immeasurably.


Raizy, New York 

Break Free of Indecision

“Should I quit my job and start a business?” 

“Is it the right time for marriage?”

“Should I remain in my hometown or move for better opportunities?”


The clarity and answers are within you… but sometimes you need help identifying them. 


That’s why I’m here.


In a short-term, results-based process, I guide you in finding the internal answer to that important decision that is weighing on you and causing you sleepless nights. You’ll be able to come to a conclusion with confidence and calm. 


I came to Naomi because I knew that I had some money-related blocks and I couldn't get rid of them on my own. It was an incredible session with tremendous insight; I was able to release so many stories and emotions that I was holding, allowing me to move forward unencumbered.


Shellie, Israel

Break Free of Conflicted Relationships

“I wish my sister and I could see each other without getting into useless arguments.”

“I resent how my roommates always do less, waiting for me to clean up and make plans.”

“I’m waiting for my manager to get promoted, transferred, anything so I don’t have to work with him.” 


The potential for a positive relationship with anyone is within you… but sometimes you need help actualizing it.


That’s why I’m here.


In a short-term, results-based process, I guide you in bringing out that potential to repair the relationship. You’ll be able to turn any conflicted relationship with a coworker, friend or relative into a positive, productive one. 


Two years after a messy divorce, I finally found Mr. Right. The only problem was that Mr. Right had the wrong tattoo: the exact design my ex-husband had. It was too much of a negative association for me to move forward, even though I knew it was silly to let that stand in the way. Working with Naomi enabled me to overcome my sensitivity to the tattoo and marry my new husband with calm, joy and peace of mind.


Diana, Washington, D.C.

Break Free of Impostor Syndrome

“Whenever I walk into a management meeting, I always feel like I don’t belong - like I’m there by accident.” 

“It’s hard for me to really believe the compliments that my friends and coworkers give me.”

“I wish I could enjoy when my partner points out my accomplishments, instead of feeling like a fraud.”


The potential to feel confident and competent is within you… but sometimes you need help achieving it.


That’s why I’m here.


In a short-term, results-based process, I guide you in reaching a healthy, positive perspective on yourself, unencumbered by feelings of self-doubt. You’ll be able to accept the compliments of others without feeling uncomfortable and feel the pride that your abilities and accomplishments truly deserve.  


No matter how much I accomplished - I run my own company, we’ve been funded and are stable and successful - I always felt like I was faking it. That someone, eventually, would discover that I am indeed incompetent. It plagued me in meetings so badly that sometimes I was left having to lean on my partners for explanations and sales exhibits.  Naomi was so helpful to me in reducing my anxiety, focusing me, and tapping into my inner confident self that now I am ready to expand. It was a turning point for me.


Deborah, Israel

mind-body HEALING 


Break Free of Whatever's Holding you Back. 

Reach your Dreams

Release Emotional and Physical Pain

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